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Philip is planning a unique event, to celebrate his birthday, for those special people who have been a part of his life and would like you to join him.

We will meet at The Ritz, Paris on May 17th, 2019 at 3:00pm for refreshments before we catch the Orient Express for a 1920’s style evening overnight to Venice.

On May 18th after checking into the Cipriani hotel we will celebrate Philip’s birthday at a Venetian ball.

May 19th will be spent seeing the sights or simply recovering. For those who have the time it would be our pleasure to invite you to spend a second night at the Cipriani as Philip’s guest.

All expenses will be covered, guests will need to provide their own transport to Paris and from Venice.

As space is limited please let us know if you think you may be able to make it. We hope you can.

Relax… There is still time!

Just lets us know if you think you can come.

Days till departure
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Got a Question?

Got a question? Call Robert on 852 2850 8531 or send us a message.

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